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Module 3: An Examination of the Logan River Watershed

Where are we?

To the right is a reference map of the location of the Logan River Watershed, along with a zoomed in image of the catchment itself with the Logan River running through it.

Longitudinal Profile

  • What is the base-level control of Logan River today (the feature and its elevation)?

    • Cutler Reservoir, which has an average elevation of 1344 meters above sea level.

  • What was the base-level control of the Logan River about 18,000 years ago (feature and elevation)?

  • What is the mainstem length of the Logan River in kilometers?

    • 82.3 km.




Knickpoints and Hypothesis About Controls

A steeper than average drop in elevation is seen in the elevation profile above. This is the knickpoint provided by Second Dam along the Logan River system. There is also a possible knickpoint further upstream where the elevation actually stops dropping momentarily before returning to its usual slope. This second knickpoint could be caused by the river flowing through an unconfined valley bottom before becoming more confined further downstream.

Catchment Length

Catchment Length was calculated from the length of the central catchment axis as drawn on Google Earth Pro.​


Catchment Summary 
Calculations Shown Below*


*Catchment Length, Area, and Perimeter Length derived from QGIS/Google Pro Earth.


Stream Order

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