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The site I explored was a portion of Summit Creek located right before Indian Canyon in Utah. Summit Creek is a perennial stream within the Bear River watershed.


Field Sketch of Site

Listed below are several photographs annotated with hydraulic features.


Flow Direction (Magnitude x Direction)


The picture to the right demonstrates the change in flow direction across a portion of Summit Creek. The boulders in this photo represent the boulder/rock shelf in the field sketch.


Hydraulic Jump


Surface Water Features

Surface Flow Types

Surface Flow.PNG

Cross Section While Facing Upstream


I took a floating ice ball I compacted and threw into the stream about 21 seconds to travel 10 meters, approximately. Discharge (Q) = Velocity (V) x Area (A), so Q = (10/21) x (0.6875) = 0.33 m3/sec, or cubic meters / second.

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